CRA ARCA Car Conversion

We recently brought this top notch, Howe 101 based, off-set car into our shop, for some major rework.  Follow our blog, as we tackle everything that needs to be done, so it will be legal, at our local track.  Below is a short list of things that are about to happen, in the months ahead:

1.  Decrease ATL fuel cell down from 22 to 16 gallons.
2.  Take some measurements, of the front suspension set up.
3.  Add brake bias  gauges.
4.  Install a full containment seat.
5.  Add a drive train.
6.  Spring and shock selection
7.  Scaling, and general set up.

And  much more.  We will show case the parts we choose, and explain the direction we are going, as time passes on.  "Stay Tuned"...................
